Association of German Language-Tours Operators


The Association of German Language Schools and Language-Tour Operators (FDSV) is a consortium of leading German language-tour operators and language schools that have committed to compliance with the strict Quality Guidelines of the FDSV – on the basis of the European standard for language-study tour providers (EN 14804).

The FDSV provides guidance for language learners of all ages who are interested in language stays in any country. We offer concrete recommendations on all matters that need to be considered before, during and after a language stay. The Association also provides quality assurance and verifies compliance with FDSV Quality Guidelines in cooperation with an independent Scientific Advisory Board.

The aim of the FDSV is to support consumers by ensuring that its members comply with high quality standards. Furthermore, the Association creates transparency through its continuous monitoring of the market and helps language learners find the language stay that best suits their needs.

The FDSV actively promotes the achievement and maintenance of high quality standards in the field of language stays.

The Association of German Language Schools and Tour Operators (FDSV) represents the interests of its member companies to customers, policymakers and service providers in Germany and abroad. Global exchange and international cooperation are central to our work.

Send a message to FDSV

    General Information

    Kastanienallee 82
    10435 Berlin
    🇩🇪 Germany

    Phone: +49 (0) 30-78953640

    Website: www.fdsv.de

    Contact Detail

    Contact detail: Mrs. Julia Richter
    E-mail: info@fdsv.de

    Our Members

    Travelplus Group GmbH / TravelWorks

    Type: Travel Operator
    Phone: +49 (0) 2506-8303-0
    Fax: +49 (0) 2506-8303-230
    Address: Münsterstraße 111
    Post Code: 48155 Münster, Germany
    Email: info@travelworks.de
    Site: www.travelworks.de